Large Animal Protection Society Volunteer Application Section I: Please complete the whole form Full Name (required) Street Address, City, State, Zip Home Phone Mobile Phone Your Email (required) Birth Date Please let us know the days and times you are available throughout the week Monday thru Sunday Section II: Please complete the following questions about yourself and your experience: How many years of experience do you have… Leading Horses Grooming Horses Providing basic hoof care/cleaning Training horses with ground work Starting a horse under saddle Riding well trained horses Riding “green” broke horses Stall mucking Working with a young horse (less than 1 yr.) Working with a draft type horses Working with sheep Working with goats Working with donkeys Please describe your farm animal experience, based on the number of years that you indicated: How did you hear about LAPS? Why do you want to volunteer for LAPS? Have you ever done volunteer work before? Where? For how long? Please describe any other experiences or talents that you would like to let us know about: Which area(s) would you enjoy participating in most (please check all that apply): Barn ChoresFundraising EventsOffice HelpFostering (additional forms to complete)Working with Animals (Experience Necessary) Section III. Emergency Contact Information Emergency Contact Name / Relation Emergency Contact Home Phone Emergency Contact Cell Phone Emergency Contact Work Phone Medical Insurance Company We do ask for a copy of your Medical Insurance Card and your Driver’s License. Do you have any medical limitations?yesno If Yes, please describe your conditions and alert us to how to help you in an emergency situation: I understand that by Initialing the box below for this application, I am verifying that I am at least 18 years of age and that I am applying to volunteer at LAPS. Initials